ENN Shares Held the 2020 Annual Performance Release Conference

01 July 2021 Source: Browse volume:

On the morning of March 23, ENN Natural Gas Co., Ltd. ("ENN",stock code600803.SH) held 2020 annual performance release conference at Langfang Xinyi Qixiu Hotel, it make a comprehensive introduction of the company's 2020 business performance and an interpretation of the company's future development strategy. The company's management attended the press conference and communicated with investors and analysts on site and online. The meeting was chaired by Wang, Shuo, secretary of the board of directors of ENN.


 At the press conference, ENN CFO Wang, DongZhi introduced the company's 2020 full-year operating performance and financial status first. In 2020, the company's performance has increased significantly, the demand pool has steadily expanded, independent resources have increased significantly, the capacity of the Zhoushan receiving station has been continuously released, the general energy business, gas installation, and engineering customers have continued to expand. The company has successfully transformed from a coal chemical enterprise to a natural gas business. In terms of financial performance, the company's income structure has undergone a qualitative change, financial resources and liquidity are ample, the proportion of cash dividends continues to grow, the scale and competitiveness have improved significantly.


Zheng, HongTao, president of ENN shares, explained the company's new strategy in detail. Zheng, HongTao said that the company’s strategic planning is highly compatible with the development of the natural gas industry. Under the background of“Peak carbon emissions& carbon neutrality” , digital intelligence technology, and energy system reform, the company will act as an intelligent ecological operator of the natural gas industry, linking demand, storage & transportation, resources, engineering, ecological partners with digital intelligence technology to create value for customers in all scenarios, to distribute for the realization of “Peak carbon emissions & carbon neutrality”.

During the Q&A interactive session, securities market analysts enthusiastically asked questions about ENN’s strategic positioning, business planning, development prospects and concerns from investors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENN Group and ENN’s Chairman Wang, YuSuo said that “Peak carbon emissions & carbon neutrality” has accelerated for the development of clean energy, ENN will base itself on the natural gas industry chain, unswervingly provide customers with comprehensive energy services, and continue to expand the demand and supply resource pool. Meanwhile, based on the full-scenario advantages of ENN, it is imperative to precipitate rich management experience and service capacity to form algorithms, and through the continuous nourishment of a large amount of operating date, develop industrial intelligent products, serve ENN and ecological partners, promote the intelligent upgrading of the natural gas industry and the coordinated ecological development.

In response to the development of the company's coal and methanol business, Yu, JianChao, the co-CEO of ENN shares, said that in recent times, the company has revitalized assets in Zhangjiagang and Tengzhou, which is a manifestation of the company's firm implementation of the strategy of intelligent ecological operators in the natural gas industry. Yu, JianChao emphasized that the coal and methanol business has brought stable cash flow to the company. The company has always focused on the conversion technology and low-carbon production of clean energy such as coal to natural gas, providing industry partners with a comprehensive solution of "technology + construction + operation"

In response to a question, Han Jishen, the co-CEO of ENN, said that the company is committed to providing customers with full-scenario services. ENN has accumulated rich advantages in multi-gas source acquisition, LNG transportation, smart operation, and comprehensive energy solutions. This is also a unique feature of ENN. Through natural gas supply, integrated energy services, energy conservation and emission reduction, the company reduces customer energy costs, enhance customer loyalty, and the core competitiveness has been improving constantly.


  ENN announced its 2020 annualperformance inthe evening of March 22. As a result of the successful completion of the reorganization, ENN’s revenue in 2020, including associates and joint ventures, increased 582.25%, year-on-year increase reached 106.526 billion yuan. The net cash flow from operating activities reached 12.448 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 783.77%.

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